
Mary Martha Quilters

Winter greetings from the Quilters!

We are pleased to be back at work in the church basement assembling our blankets of love.  And we are glad that we are once again able to worship together, in person or virtually.  The importance of fellowship should not be underestimated.  For us quilters, being together (even though we are masked and social distancing) means so much.  We gain strength and affirmation spending time with other believers engaged in doing God’s work.  As we work, we visit about our challenges and our joys.  Celebrating new grandchildren, mourning the passing of special people, praying for God’s help and guidance:  stimulating and inspiring conversation mixes with laughter and tears.  We all feel so very blessed just to be together during these trying times, and we are very blessed by the support of this congregation.  We truly appreciate your donations of supplies (sheets, fabric, yarn, thread, etc.) but more than that, we are grateful for your prayers.  

Stay well! Stay safe!      

Any questions, please contact:  Maggie Sprick (715)594-3944 or
 Elaine Scharpen (651) 388-9512









